Criminological Analysis Of (In)Rationality In Terrorism: The Field Of Tension Between Activity Motivation And The Enemy's Criminal Law


  • Cícera Rosana da Silva
  • Miguel Melo Ifadireó
  • Antoniel dos Santos Gomes Filho



Human Rationality, Banalities of evil, Right of the Good, Terrorism, Law of the Enemy


This article presents some challenges arising from the discussions between Criminology and Criminal Dogmatics and aims to analyze the (in) rationality of terrorism in the field of tension between the motivation of criminal activities and the criminal law of the enemy. With the advent of the Olympic Games in the State and city of Rio de Janeiro, when the need for a disciplinary norm of what would be terrorism for criminal purposes in the Brazilian State was exacerbated. Conversely, talking about terrorism generates a polarization of almost instantaneous positioning. It is as if there is a positioning between good and evil, which would be the State versus the enemy, since common sense imposes the idea of ​​justification of penalization of the aggressor individual as state protection of the collective. The methodology used in the study was based on literature review, since it was performed based on analysis of doctrinal works, national and foreign laws using the method of deductive and dialectical procedure. From these theoretical-methodological aspects, it was concluded, on the one hand, that the debate on the "seriousness" of the subject was of fundamental importance, since the Criminal Law of the Enemy, like terrorism, is also an act of injury to citizenship; On the other hand, the critical approach of Law 13.260 / 2016 allowed us to see the possibility of punishment of preparatory acts, which in the penal system in force, until then, had not yet been punished.


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