O Delito Criminal: Das Bases Conceituais À Criminologia


  • Marcello Sherman Araújo De Sá Pires
  • Fernando Lobo




Crime, Criminal Norm, Criminology


This article has the objective to analyze sustentáculo legal and fático that curtails the misdemeanors and decurrent the legal effect of it. A priori, if it promotes the scrutiny axiológico of the criminal law, attracting the understanding on as it was elevated definition of definitive behaviors as misdemeanors and its social and jurígena purpose. Continuous act, promotes it differentiation of the species that form criminal sciences and the analysis of the contribution of each for the explanation of the criminal phenomenon. In finishes, is about the distinct schools of the criminology, as well as as the confrontation of crime is made, making possible the understanding of the misdemeanor while fact.


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