Immunity of Jurisdiction and Enforcement of the Foreign State and the Immunity of International Organizations in Brazil


  • Markus Vinícius de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG
  • Yara Rodrigues Santiago Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG
  • Alessandro Gonçalves da Paixão Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC-GO
  • Marcos Ricardo da Silva Costa Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC-GO



Immunity of State Jurisdiction, mmunity of Jurisdiction of International Organizations, Immunity of Execution, International Law, Labor Law and Civil Liability


This article brings together doctrinal and jurisprudential material concerning the institute of immunity of foreign state jurisdiction, immunity of jurisdiction of international organizations and enforcement immunity. It aims to clarify the foundations of the institutes, what they are, as well as the ways in which they are applied by the courts, their relativization and areas of greater scope, at the end of which a brief critical analysis about the ways that applications are made.


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