Metanoia: Significant Organizational Learning for Adopting the Sustainable Development Goals




sustainable development goals, metanoia, organizational learning, organization, turbulent environments


Current markets tend to increasingly demand that companies align with the Sustainable Development Goals, so organizations must learn to respond to the demands of their stakeholders to be competitive. On the other hand, the existing literature understands metanoia as a learning process that transitions between mental perspectives in individuals, which facilitates significant changes in behavior. As the available theory addresses the issue mainly from the individual perspective and not from work groups, the research explores metanoia as a dimension of organizational learning (OA) and later analyzes its usefulness in adopting SDGs and responding to stakeholder demands. For this, the grounded theory was used, applying non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews to AO and knowledge management (KM) leaders in seven private sector organizations with different levels of KM formality. Data analysis was supported by Atlas.ti® and Cmaptools software. The results suggest that metanoia optimizes organizational learning; In addition, that the categories self-recognition, effective communication, assigning meaning to change, organizational objectives, work of leaders, truces between coalitions and support in ICTs, facilitate the metanoic process, while attachment to values, history and dependence on the path they have the opposite effect. It is concluded that metanoia is an organizational capability that contributes to useful and inimitable organizational transformations to face the demands of its stakeholders; however, its process occurs in a different way from what is expressed in theory, less orderly and somewhat chaotic. The results contribute to the existing literature describing how the metanoia occurs in companies and its usefulness in learning to adopt the SDGs.


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How to Cite

PACHECO, Gabriel Jacob Velandia; CASTILLO, Adalberto Enrique Escobar; CASTRILLÓN, Manuel Alfonso Garzón. Metanoia: Significant Organizational Learning for Adopting the Sustainable Development Goals. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 40–59, 2024. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2024v13i1.p40-59. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


