Geographical Distribution of Taphs of the Myrtaceae Family Occurring in the Cerrado and Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg
Myrtaceae, cerrado, geographical distributionAbstract
The Myrtaceae family is widely distributed in the Neotropics and presents an expressive abundance of species in the Cerrado. Objective: In this study, to analyze the geographic distribution based on the occurrence records of Myrtaceae species in the Cerrado and Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg. Methods: The geographic coordinates of the species occurrence were obtained from the databases: Reflora and SpeciesLink, which were then inserted into the program Diva-GIS 7.5.0. with the political, geographical and environmental limits plotted with the distribution, the results were exported in a file in .shp format and the final layout performed in the ArcGIS program. Conclusion: It was concluded that the direction and sense of distribution and occurrence are in the southwest and south-southwest direction, with low potential distribution in the South, North and Northeast regions. Results: The zone of highest probability of occurrence is in the southern mesoregion of Goiás and the North Central region of Mato Grosso do Sul. Potential distribution centers of the Cerrado species of the genus Eugenia L. are related to those of its botanical family. The distribution poles of Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg are very close to the phytogeographic limits of Atlantic Forest and a trend towards the Southeast. Conclusion: There was an expressive updating of the distribution of the surveyed taxa of the Myrtaceae family, since the data of collections of specimens containing geographic coordinates have been updated in the systems due to the advancement of the Flora do Brasil, with the project of repatriation of the Brazilian flora. However, we identify the need for biogeographic modeling studies to broaden the discussion of the results obtained.
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