Cadeia Curta Agroalimentar Sustentável do Feijão: Sob a Ótica do Movimento Slow Food


  • Leonardo Afonso Brusamolin Jr Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia
  • Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio Programas de Pós-Graduação em Governança & Sustentabilidade (ISAE), Curitiba, PR, Desenvolvimento Regional (FURB), Blumenau, SC e Ciências Ambientais (Unisul-Instituto Ãnima). Palhoça, SC. Pesquisador Colaborador IEA/USP, CNPq e Funadesp (UniEvangélica
  • Luciane Cristina Ribeiro dos Santos Instituto Internacional para a Sustentabilidade (IIS)



short agrifood chains, low food, ecosocioeconomy, sustainability, governance


This article aims to analyze the short sustainable agri-food chain of beans, a product consumed/marketed at the Quintana restaurant (Curitiba, Brazil). The research is classified as exploratory, with a qualitative bias and descriptive nature, based on a case study. The results indicate that the short bean agro-food chain, with regard to sustainability, presents itself with different and specific characteristics in each link of the chain. Slow Food's principles of guaranteeing “goodâ€, “cleanâ€, “fair†food are directly related to positive impacts in terms of environmental, economic, social, spatial and cultural sustainability. In the same way, the chain behaves as a socio-productive arrangement, as established in the experiences of ecosocioeconomies, and presents itself as a strategy to guarantee its governance. In conclusion, the principles and values of the Slow Food movement were identified and demonstrated as a support for the operation of the Quintana Restaurant and the development of ecogastronomy.


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How to Cite

BRUSAMOLIN JR, Leonardo Afonso; SAMPAIO, Carlos Alberto Cioce; SANTOS, Luciane Cristina Ribeiro dos. Cadeia Curta Agroalimentar Sustentável do Feijão: Sob a Ótica do Movimento Slow Food. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 112–125, 2022. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2022v11i1.p112-125. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.