the case of the Ceres prison unit - GO, Brazil
Ecological Footprint; Environmental Agenda; Prisons.Abstract
The environmental issue has become a worldwide problem, especially since the 1970s, challenging governments, companies and society in general to act to save the planet for future generations. The ecological footprint is a mechanism for measuring the environmental impact that each person, institution or activities have on our planet and, in this way, can constitute a monitoring tool and thus develop actions aimed at reducing the consumption of natural resources. Public administration has created its own environmental agenda in order to reduce the environmental impact of its actions. In this context, prision institutions develop little or no environmental action, despite develop activities that impact the environment. In this sense, the present study aimed to estimate the ecological footprint of the operation of the Ceres prison in the state of Goiás. Thus, the unit can monitor their environmental impact through the management of its inputs, such as the consumption of food, water, electricity. The results showed that the operation of the unit releases 92.090,25 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, representing an average of 682.14 kg of carbon dioxide emitted by re-educating. To neutralize this amount, it would be necessary to plant 92 hectares of forest per year.
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