The Public Prosecution Service of the State of Goiás in Defense of Diffuse and Collective Interests: The Sanitary Landfill of Quirinópolis City
Diffuse and Collective Rights, Solid Waste, Environment, Public HealthAbstract
This paper aims to understand the diffuse and collective rights and the performance of the Prosecution Office of the State of Goiás, in the landfill of Quirinópolis city. The general objective was to analyze the compliance with the constitutional and infraconstitutional legislation regarding the treatment of residual solid waste in the city under investigation. As for the methodology, we used the qualitative research of the case study type, with the analysis of documents, besides the field research and interviews. During the development of the research, several laws were identified: The Federal Constitution of 1988, State Constitution of Goiás, Federal, State and Municipal Laws that regulate the control and combat situation of solid waste in the studied city. Despite all existing legislation, no solution took place to solve the problem, through the effective application of the Laws in force.
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