Genes, Genetics and Determinism: The Case of Transgenics in Agriculture
Central Dogma of Biology, Genetic Engineering, Genetically Modified Organisms, Genome ComplexityAbstract
Biotech proponents argue that transgenics crops are safer and developed under a more precise way than their conventional counterparts. This because modern biotechnology allows genes of interest to be “cut†from donors organisms and “pasted†in the recipient crop plants. Hence, from the epistemological point of view, it seems to be opportune to seek further understanding of what these terms borrowed from informatics actually mean and their capacity to unravel the nature of these new plants. Also, its potential implications to health and environment must be deepened. With this aim, the ideas of genes and its functions are briefly historicized, exploring both its biosafety implications and results after 20 years of commercial use of these plants. It is concluded that biotech industry upholds old fashioned concepts of genes and on it depends to justify biotechnological patents and lowered levels of regulations and risk assessments.
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