Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Perception of Undergraduate Students
Climate Change, Perception, University, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
Brasilia, an urban center located in a biome in increasing process of degradation, in addition to contributing to the emissions of greenhouse gases, currently presents environmental modifications due to climate change (CC). Thus, this article had the objective of analyzing undergraduate students’ perceptions from various courses at the University of Brasilia regarding climate change, to discuss the importance of undergraduate education for the much needed transformations in favor of pro- environmental behaviors. The application of questionnaires (N=1526) in 04 groups of subjects (CC perception; climatic knowledge; UnB and CC; personal beliefs) provided the conclusion that students from multi-disciplinary courses have advanced knowledge regarding the climatic theme and the anthropogenic role in those changes. Interdisciplinarity is then discussed as an important strategy for increasing students’ perception of climatic and environmental changes , with the ability to instigate mitigation and adaptation strategies and consideration of climate issues inside and outside the university sphere.
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