About the Journal


FRONTEIRAS: JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE is an open-access, quarterly, peer-reviewed publication maintained by the Graduate Studies in Social, Technological and Environmental Science of the Universidade Evangélica de Goiás (PPG STMA), with masters and doctoral degrees in Environmental Sciences. Fronteiras is an interdisciplinary journal that is driven by the belief that all types of knowledge must be available. It has as a target the researchers who dialogue in an interdisciplinary way with the theme "social and environmental science". The journal aims to publish original research, recognized rigorously for its theoretical-methodological, intellectual, and scientific relevance. Fronteira has as the main theme of its publications the environmental science, aiming the scientific dissemination arising from the dialogues between the natural and human sciences and their connections with environmental science.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science has as its mission to publish and disseminate among the academic community, scientific manuscripts that are original and contribute to the promotion of multidisciplinary dialogues between the natural and human sciences and their connections with technological innovation, health as well as the environment.

ISSN: 2238-8869
DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869


  • The editors can decide on the relevance of opening the editorial process for the proposed manuscript, based on the following criteria: link with the journal's identity and mission, presenting originality, clarity of the central argument, conclusions based on systematic investigations and adequacy in the article submission guidelines.
  • The editorial process can take between 3 and 8 months. The evaluation of submitted manuscripts is done blindly by at least two voluntary ad-hoc evaluators, in a proper form that evaluates the formal, ethical and content aspects of the evaluated manuscript. The editorial process takes place through the system, with information exchange between publishers and peers (evaluators or authors). The Editorial Committee makes the final selection of the publication.
  • Phases of the Editorial Process:
    • Initial Evaluation:
      • The editorial board evaluates the manuscript in relation to the adherence to the central axis of publication of Fronteiras, that is, in the environmental science field, aiming the dialogue between the natural and human sciences and their connections with the environmental science.
    • Peer Review:
      • If the manuscript is considered suitable by the editorial board, it is sent to ad-hoc reviewers to evaluate its theoretical-methodological and scientific rigor.
      • After review by the ad-hoc reviewers, the editorial board reviews the considerations in order to decide whether or not to proceed.
      • In case of acceptance by the editorial board, the considerations of the ad-hoc reviewers will be forwarded to the authors for adjustments in the manuscript.
    • Format Evaluation:
      • Upon return of the final version of the manuscript by the authors, the text editor will conduct the formatting conference to verify if the manuscript follows the Guidelines for the Author of Fronteiras.
      • If necessary, further adjustments will be requested from the authors.
    • Acceptance:
      • After the adjustments with respect to the format, the letter of acceptance will be forwarded to the authors.
      • Proofreading for the final conference by the authors is set up.
    • Publication:
      • After proofreading approval, the article will be published in one of the future editions.


  • Since the year 2017, Fronteiras magazine has been published every four months, that is, it has been publishing 3 issues per year. In addition, a special edition is still published per year


  • This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public, we provide greater global democratization of knowledge.
  • As of the publication in the journal the authors have copyright and publication rights of their articles without restrictions.
  • The Revista Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science follows the legal precepts of the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


  • Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science does not charge authors any type of submission or publication fee.