Applied Exercise Physiology: a serendipitous personal journey toward a place that didn’t exist when the journey started
A fisiologia do exercício aplicada é uma profissão rica em grande parte do mundo, desenvolvido no início do século XXI. No entanto, no início dos anos 1970 não havia tal profissão, apenas a disciplina científica fisiologia do exercício. Ligado à publicação de 1975 da primeira edição das diretrizes do ACSM para os testes do exercício e a prescrição do exercício, a carreira do autor foi ligada a uma série de descobertas afortunadas dos eventos que viram o desenvolvimento da profissão da fisiologia do exercício aplicada. Tomadas como um todo, essas histórias paralelas nos informam da importância das descobertas afortunadas no processo científico.Referências
Anholm JD, Foster C, Carpenter J, Pollock ML, Hellman CK, Schmidt DH 1982. Effect of habitual exercise on the left ventricular response to exercise. J Appl Physiol 52(6): 1648-1651.
Barnard RJ, Gardner GW, Diaco NV, Mc Alpin RN, Kattus AA 1973. Cardiovascular responses to sudden strenuous exercise-heart rate, blood pressure, ECG. J Appl Physiol 34(6): 833-837.
Cannon C, Foster C, Porcari JP, Skemp-Arlt KM, Fater DCW, Backes R 2004. The Talk Test as a measure of exertional ischemia. Am J Med Sport 6: 52-57.
Daniels J, Krahenbuhl G, Foster C, Gilbert J, Daniels S 1977. Aerobic and cardiovascular response of female distance runners to submaximal and maximal exercise. Ann NY Acad Sci 301: 726-733.
Daniels J, Yarbrough R, Foster C 1978. Changes in VO2max and running performance with training. Eur J Appl Physiol 39: 249-254
Daniels JT, Oldridge N 1970. The effects of alternate exposure to altitude and sea level on world-class middle distance runners. Med Sci Sports 2: 107-112.
Day ML, McGuigan MR, Brice GA, Foster C 2004. Monitoring work intensities during resistance training using a session RPE scale. J Strength Cond Res 18: 353-358.
de Koning JJ, Foster C, Bakkum A, Kloppenburg S, Thiel C, Joseph T, Cohen J, Porcari JP 2011. Regulation of pacing strategy during athletic competition. PLoS ONE 6(1): e15863. doi:
de Koning JJ, Foster C, Lampen J, Hettinga F, Bobbert MF 2005. Experimental evaluation of the power balance model of speed skating. J Appl Physiol 98(1): 227-233.
Dehart M, Foster C, Porcari JP, Fater DCW, Mikat RP 2000. Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold. Clin Exerc Physiol 2: 34-38.
Dion WF, Grevenow P, Pollock ML, Squires RW, Foster C, Johnson WD, Schimdt DH 1982. Medical problems and physiological responses during supervised inpatient cardiac rehabilitation: The patient after coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Lung 11: 248-255.
Dolatowski RP, Squires RW, Pollock ML, Foster C, Schmidt DH 1983. Dysrhythmia detection in myocardial revascularization surgery patients. Med Sci Sports Exerc 15: 281-286.
Dymond DS, Foster C, Grenier RP, Carpenter JG, Schmidt DH 1984. Comparison of peak exercise and immediate post exercise imagaing in detection of left ventricular functional abnormalities in patients with coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiiol 53: 1532-1537.
Fitz-Clarke JR, Morton RH, Banister EW 1991. Optimizing athletic performance by influence curves. J Appl Physiol 71: 1151-1158.
Foster C 1998. Monitoring training in athletes with reference to overtraining syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30: 1164-1168.
Foster C, Anholm JD, Hellman C, Carpenter J, Pollock ML, Schmidt DH 1981. Left ventricular function during sudden strenuous exercise. Circulation 63: 592-596.
Foster C, Costill DL, Daniels JT, Fink WJ 1978. Skeletal muscle enzyme activity, fiber composition and VO2max in relation to distance running performance. Eur J Appl Physiol 39: 73-80.
Foster C, Coye RB, Crowe A, Dumit M, Lettau S, Teske HM, Volkert P 1997. Comparison of free range and graded exercise testing. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 1521-1526.
Foster C, Daines E, Hector L, Snyder AC, Welsh R 1996. Athletic performance in relation to training load. Wisc Med J 95: 370-374.
Foster C, Daniels J, Yarbrough R 1977. Physiological and training correlates of marathon running performance. Aust J Sports Med 9: 58-61.
Foster C, deKoning JJ, Hettinga F, Lampen F, Dodge C, Bobbert M, Porcari JP 2004. Effect of competitive distance on energy expenditure during simulated competition. Int J Sports Med 25: 198-204.
Foster C, Dymond DS, Anholm JD, Pollock ML, Schmidt DH, Carpenter JG 1983. Influence of exercise protocol on left ventricular response to exercise. Am J Cardiol 51: 859-864
Foster C, Dymond DS, Carpenter JG, Schmidt DH 1982a. Effect of warm-up on the left ventricular response to sudden strenuous exercise. J Appl Physiol 53: 380-383.
Foster C, Florhaug JA, Franklin J, Gottschal L, Hrovatin LA, Parker S, Doleshal P, Dodge C 2001a. A new approach to monitoring exercise training. J Strength Cond Res 15: 109-115.
Foster C, Green MC, Snyder AC, Thompson NN 1993b. Physiological responses during simulated competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25: 877-882.
Foster C, Hector LL, Welsh R, Schrager M, Green MA, Snyder AC 1995. Effects of specific vs cross training on running performance. Eur J Appl Physiol 70: 367-372.
Foster C, Heimann KM, Esten PL, Brice G, Porcari JP 2001b. Differences in perceptions of training by coaches and athletes. S Afri J Sports Med 8: 3-7.
Foster C, Hendrickson KJ, Peyer K, Reiner B, deKoning JJ, Lucia A, Battista RA, Hettinga FJ, Porcari JP, Wright G 2009a. Pattern of developing the performance template. Br J Sports Med 43: 765-769.
Foster C, Lemberger K, Thompson NN, Sennett SM, Hare J, Pollock ML, Pels AE, Schmidt DH 1986. Functional translation of exercise responses from graded exercise testing to exercise training. Am Heart J 112: 1309-1316
Foster C, Pollock ML, Anholm JD, Squires RE, Ward A, Dymond DS, Rod JL, Saichek R, Schmidt DH 1984. Work capacity and left ventricular function during rehabilitation from myocardial revascularization surgery. Circulation 69: 748-755.
Foster C, Pollock ML, Farrell PA, Maksud MG, Anholm J, Hare J 1982b. Training responses of speed skaters during a competitive season. Res Q Exerc Sport 53: 243-246.
Foster C, Porcari JP, Anderson J, Paulson M, Smaczny D, Webber H, Doberstein S, Udermann B 2008. The Talk Test as a marker of exercise training intensity. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 28: 24-30.
Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Wright G, Greany J, Talati N, Recalde P 2009b. Translation of submaximal exercise test responses to exercise prescription using the Talk Test. J Strength Cond Res 23: 2425-2429.
Foster C, Rundell KW, Snyder AC, Stray-Gundersen J, Kemkers G, Thometz N, Broker J, Knapp E 1999. Evidence for restricted muscle blood flow during speed skating. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 1433-1440
Foster C, Schrager M, Snyder AC, Thompson NN 1994. Pacing strategy and athletic performance. Sports Med 17: 77-85.
Foster C, Snyder AC, Thompson NN, Conway MJ, Kuettel K 1989. Cycle ergometry during training for speed skating. J Appl Sports Sci Res 3: 79-84.
Foster C, Snyder AC, Thompson NN, Green MA, Foley M, Schrager M 1993a. Effect of pacing strategy on cycle time trial performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25: 383-388.
Foster C, Thompson NN 1991. Functional translation of exercise test responses to recreational activities. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 11: 373-377.
Foster C, Thompson NN, Snyder AC 1993c. Ergometric studies with speed skaters: Evolution of laboratory methods. J Str Cond Res 7: 193-200.
Gemser H, de Koning JJ, van Ingen Schenau (eds) 1999. Handbook of Competitive Speed Skating, Lausanne, International Skating Union.
Hollmann W 1985. Historical remarks on the development of the aerobic-anaerobic threshold up to 1966. Int J Sports Med 6: 109-116.
Jeans EA, Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Doberstein S 2011. Translation of exercise testing to exercise prescription using the Talk Test. J Strength Cond Res 25: 590-596.
Johnson BD, Joseph T, Wright G, Battista RA, Dodge C, Balweg A, deKoning JJ, Foster C 2009. Rapidity of responding to a hypoxic challenge during exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 106: 493-499.
Joseph T, Johnson B, Battista RA, Wright G, Dodge C, Porcari JP, deKoning JJ, Foster C 2008. Perception of fatigue during simulated competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 40: 381-386.
Karlsdottir AE, Foster C, Porcari JP, Palmer-McLean K, White-Kube R, Backes R 2002. Left ventricular function during aerobic and resistance exercise. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 22: 170-177.
Levine SA, Lown B 1952. Armchair treatment of acute coronary thrombosis. J Am Med Assn 48: 1365-1367.
Lyon E, Menke M, Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Bubbers T 2014. Translation of incremental Talk Test responses to steady-state exercise training intensity. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 34: 271-275.
Maksud MG, Farrell P, Foster C, Pollock ML, Hare J, Anholm J, Schmidt DH 1982. Maximal VO2, ventilation and heart rate of Olympic speed skating candidates. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 22: 217-223.
Meyer K, Foster C, Georgakopoulous N, Ellestad AJ, Fitzgerald DJ, Tilman K, Weinstein H, Young H, Roskamm H 1998. Left ventricular function during interval and steady state exercise in patients with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 82: 1382-1387.
Mezzani A, Hamm LF, Jones AM, McBride P, Moholt T, Stone JA, Urhausen A, Williams MA 2012. Aerobic exercise intensity assessment and prescription in cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 32: 327-350.
Morris JN, Kagan A, Petterson DC 1966. Incidence and prediction of ischemic heart disease in London busmen. Lancet 2: 553-559.
Morton RH, Fitz-Clarke JR, Banister EW 1990. Modeling human performance in running. J Appl Physiol 69: 1171-1177.
Olbrecht J, Madsen O, Mader A.,Liesen H, Hollmann W 1985. Relationship between swimming velocity and lactic concentration during contginuous and intermittent exercises. Int J Sports Med 6: 74-77.
Paffenbarger RS, Laughlin ME, Gima AS 1970. Work activity of longshoremenas related to death from coronary heart disease and stroke. N Engl J Med 282: 1109-1114.
Pescatello LS, Arena R, Riebe D, Thompson PD (eds) 2014. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th edition, Baltimor, Lippincott, Williams & Wiklins.
Pollock ML 1973. The quantification of endurance training programs. In: Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews (J Wilmore, ed), Academic Press, New York.
Rodriguez-Marroyo J, Foster C 2013. Relationship between the Talk Test and ventilatory thresholds in well-trained cyclists. J Strength Cond Res 27: 1942-1949.
Saltin B, Astrand PO 1967. Maximal oxygen uptake in athletes. J Appl Physiol 23: 353-358.
Saltin B, Blomqvist G, Mitchell JH, Johnson RL, Wildenthal K, Chapman CB 1968. Response to exercise after bed rest and after training. Circulation 37: Suppl VIII
Sallis RE 2009. Exercise is medicine and physicians need to prescribe it. Br J Sports Med 43: 3-4.
Sennett SM, Pollock ML, Pels AE, Foster C, Dolatowski R, Patel S 1987. Medical problems of cardiac patients in an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 7: 458-465.
Shephard RJ, Allen C, Benade AJS, Davies CTM, de Prampero PE, Hedman R, Merriman JE, Myhre K, Simmons R 1968. The maximum oxygen intake: An international reference standard of cardiorespiratory fitness. Bull WHO 38: 757-764.
Silvidi GE, Squires RW, Pollock ML, Foster C 1982. Hdmodynamic responses and medical problems associated with early exercise and ambulation in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 2: 355-362.
Sjodin B, Jacobs I, Karlsson J 1982. Onset of blood lactate accumulation and muscle enzymes after training at OBLA. Eur J Appl Physiol 49: 45-57.
St Clair Gibson A, de Koning J, Thompson KG, Roberts WO, Micklewright D, Raglin J, Foster C 2013. Crawling to the finish line-why do endurance runners collapse? Implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying fatigue and pacing. Sports Med 43: 413-424.
St Clair Gibson A, Foster C 2007. The role of self talk in the awareness of physiological state and physical performance. Sports Med 37: 1029-1044.
St Clair Gibson A, Lambert EV, Rauch LHG, Tucker R, Baden DA, Foster C, Noakes TD 2006. The role of information processing between brain and peripheral physiological systems in pacing and perception of effort. Sports Med 36: 705-722.
Stegmann H, Kinderman W, Schnabel A 1981. Lactate kinetics and individual anaerobic threshold. Int J Sports Med 2: 160-165.
Svedenhag J, Sjodin B 1985. Physiological characteristics of elite male runners in and off season. Can J Appl Sport Sci 10: 127-133.
Sweet TW, Foster C, McGuigan MR, Brice G 2004. Quantitation of resistance training using the session RPE method. J Strength Cond Res 18: 796-802.
Van der Zwaard S, Rougoor G, van Kasteel PY, Greany J, de Koning JJ, Hill E, Porcari JP, Allen BK, Foster C 2015. Graded exercise testing vs simulated competition exercise in trained older males. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 35: 423-430, 2015.
Wasserman K, McIlroy MB 1964. Detecting the threshold of anaerobic metabolism in cardiac patients during exercise. Am J Cardiol 14: S44-S52.
Woltmann ML, Foster C, Porcari JP, Camic CL, Dodge C, Haible S, Mikat RP 2015. Evidence that the Tallk Test can be used to regulate exercise intensity. J Strength Cond Res 29: 1248-1254.
Barnard RJ, Gardner GW, Diaco NV, Mc Alpin RN, Kattus AA 1973. Cardiovascular responses to sudden strenuous exercise-heart rate, blood pressure, ECG. J Appl Physiol 34(6): 833-837.
Cannon C, Foster C, Porcari JP, Skemp-Arlt KM, Fater DCW, Backes R 2004. The Talk Test as a measure of exertional ischemia. Am J Med Sport 6: 52-57.
Daniels J, Krahenbuhl G, Foster C, Gilbert J, Daniels S 1977. Aerobic and cardiovascular response of female distance runners to submaximal and maximal exercise. Ann NY Acad Sci 301: 726-733.
Daniels J, Yarbrough R, Foster C 1978. Changes in VO2max and running performance with training. Eur J Appl Physiol 39: 249-254
Daniels JT, Oldridge N 1970. The effects of alternate exposure to altitude and sea level on world-class middle distance runners. Med Sci Sports 2: 107-112.
Day ML, McGuigan MR, Brice GA, Foster C 2004. Monitoring work intensities during resistance training using a session RPE scale. J Strength Cond Res 18: 353-358.
de Koning JJ, Foster C, Bakkum A, Kloppenburg S, Thiel C, Joseph T, Cohen J, Porcari JP 2011. Regulation of pacing strategy during athletic competition. PLoS ONE 6(1): e15863. doi:
de Koning JJ, Foster C, Lampen J, Hettinga F, Bobbert MF 2005. Experimental evaluation of the power balance model of speed skating. J Appl Physiol 98(1): 227-233.
Dehart M, Foster C, Porcari JP, Fater DCW, Mikat RP 2000. Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold. Clin Exerc Physiol 2: 34-38.
Dion WF, Grevenow P, Pollock ML, Squires RW, Foster C, Johnson WD, Schimdt DH 1982. Medical problems and physiological responses during supervised inpatient cardiac rehabilitation: The patient after coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Lung 11: 248-255.
Dolatowski RP, Squires RW, Pollock ML, Foster C, Schmidt DH 1983. Dysrhythmia detection in myocardial revascularization surgery patients. Med Sci Sports Exerc 15: 281-286.
Dymond DS, Foster C, Grenier RP, Carpenter JG, Schmidt DH 1984. Comparison of peak exercise and immediate post exercise imagaing in detection of left ventricular functional abnormalities in patients with coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiiol 53: 1532-1537.
Fitz-Clarke JR, Morton RH, Banister EW 1991. Optimizing athletic performance by influence curves. J Appl Physiol 71: 1151-1158.
Foster C 1998. Monitoring training in athletes with reference to overtraining syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30: 1164-1168.
Foster C, Anholm JD, Hellman C, Carpenter J, Pollock ML, Schmidt DH 1981. Left ventricular function during sudden strenuous exercise. Circulation 63: 592-596.
Foster C, Costill DL, Daniels JT, Fink WJ 1978. Skeletal muscle enzyme activity, fiber composition and VO2max in relation to distance running performance. Eur J Appl Physiol 39: 73-80.
Foster C, Coye RB, Crowe A, Dumit M, Lettau S, Teske HM, Volkert P 1997. Comparison of free range and graded exercise testing. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 1521-1526.
Foster C, Daines E, Hector L, Snyder AC, Welsh R 1996. Athletic performance in relation to training load. Wisc Med J 95: 370-374.
Foster C, Daniels J, Yarbrough R 1977. Physiological and training correlates of marathon running performance. Aust J Sports Med 9: 58-61.
Foster C, deKoning JJ, Hettinga F, Lampen F, Dodge C, Bobbert M, Porcari JP 2004. Effect of competitive distance on energy expenditure during simulated competition. Int J Sports Med 25: 198-204.
Foster C, Dymond DS, Anholm JD, Pollock ML, Schmidt DH, Carpenter JG 1983. Influence of exercise protocol on left ventricular response to exercise. Am J Cardiol 51: 859-864
Foster C, Dymond DS, Carpenter JG, Schmidt DH 1982a. Effect of warm-up on the left ventricular response to sudden strenuous exercise. J Appl Physiol 53: 380-383.
Foster C, Florhaug JA, Franklin J, Gottschal L, Hrovatin LA, Parker S, Doleshal P, Dodge C 2001a. A new approach to monitoring exercise training. J Strength Cond Res 15: 109-115.
Foster C, Green MC, Snyder AC, Thompson NN 1993b. Physiological responses during simulated competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25: 877-882.
Foster C, Hector LL, Welsh R, Schrager M, Green MA, Snyder AC 1995. Effects of specific vs cross training on running performance. Eur J Appl Physiol 70: 367-372.
Foster C, Heimann KM, Esten PL, Brice G, Porcari JP 2001b. Differences in perceptions of training by coaches and athletes. S Afri J Sports Med 8: 3-7.
Foster C, Hendrickson KJ, Peyer K, Reiner B, deKoning JJ, Lucia A, Battista RA, Hettinga FJ, Porcari JP, Wright G 2009a. Pattern of developing the performance template. Br J Sports Med 43: 765-769.
Foster C, Lemberger K, Thompson NN, Sennett SM, Hare J, Pollock ML, Pels AE, Schmidt DH 1986. Functional translation of exercise responses from graded exercise testing to exercise training. Am Heart J 112: 1309-1316
Foster C, Pollock ML, Anholm JD, Squires RE, Ward A, Dymond DS, Rod JL, Saichek R, Schmidt DH 1984. Work capacity and left ventricular function during rehabilitation from myocardial revascularization surgery. Circulation 69: 748-755.
Foster C, Pollock ML, Farrell PA, Maksud MG, Anholm J, Hare J 1982b. Training responses of speed skaters during a competitive season. Res Q Exerc Sport 53: 243-246.
Foster C, Porcari JP, Anderson J, Paulson M, Smaczny D, Webber H, Doberstein S, Udermann B 2008. The Talk Test as a marker of exercise training intensity. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 28: 24-30.
Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Wright G, Greany J, Talati N, Recalde P 2009b. Translation of submaximal exercise test responses to exercise prescription using the Talk Test. J Strength Cond Res 23: 2425-2429.
Foster C, Rundell KW, Snyder AC, Stray-Gundersen J, Kemkers G, Thometz N, Broker J, Knapp E 1999. Evidence for restricted muscle blood flow during speed skating. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 1433-1440
Foster C, Schrager M, Snyder AC, Thompson NN 1994. Pacing strategy and athletic performance. Sports Med 17: 77-85.
Foster C, Snyder AC, Thompson NN, Conway MJ, Kuettel K 1989. Cycle ergometry during training for speed skating. J Appl Sports Sci Res 3: 79-84.
Foster C, Snyder AC, Thompson NN, Green MA, Foley M, Schrager M 1993a. Effect of pacing strategy on cycle time trial performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25: 383-388.
Foster C, Thompson NN 1991. Functional translation of exercise test responses to recreational activities. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 11: 373-377.
Foster C, Thompson NN, Snyder AC 1993c. Ergometric studies with speed skaters: Evolution of laboratory methods. J Str Cond Res 7: 193-200.
Gemser H, de Koning JJ, van Ingen Schenau (eds) 1999. Handbook of Competitive Speed Skating, Lausanne, International Skating Union.
Hollmann W 1985. Historical remarks on the development of the aerobic-anaerobic threshold up to 1966. Int J Sports Med 6: 109-116.
Jeans EA, Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Doberstein S 2011. Translation of exercise testing to exercise prescription using the Talk Test. J Strength Cond Res 25: 590-596.
Johnson BD, Joseph T, Wright G, Battista RA, Dodge C, Balweg A, deKoning JJ, Foster C 2009. Rapidity of responding to a hypoxic challenge during exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 106: 493-499.
Joseph T, Johnson B, Battista RA, Wright G, Dodge C, Porcari JP, deKoning JJ, Foster C 2008. Perception of fatigue during simulated competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 40: 381-386.
Karlsdottir AE, Foster C, Porcari JP, Palmer-McLean K, White-Kube R, Backes R 2002. Left ventricular function during aerobic and resistance exercise. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 22: 170-177.
Levine SA, Lown B 1952. Armchair treatment of acute coronary thrombosis. J Am Med Assn 48: 1365-1367.
Lyon E, Menke M, Foster C, Porcari JP, Gibson M, Bubbers T 2014. Translation of incremental Talk Test responses to steady-state exercise training intensity. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 34: 271-275.
Maksud MG, Farrell P, Foster C, Pollock ML, Hare J, Anholm J, Schmidt DH 1982. Maximal VO2, ventilation and heart rate of Olympic speed skating candidates. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 22: 217-223.
Meyer K, Foster C, Georgakopoulous N, Ellestad AJ, Fitzgerald DJ, Tilman K, Weinstein H, Young H, Roskamm H 1998. Left ventricular function during interval and steady state exercise in patients with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 82: 1382-1387.
Mezzani A, Hamm LF, Jones AM, McBride P, Moholt T, Stone JA, Urhausen A, Williams MA 2012. Aerobic exercise intensity assessment and prescription in cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 32: 327-350.
Morris JN, Kagan A, Petterson DC 1966. Incidence and prediction of ischemic heart disease in London busmen. Lancet 2: 553-559.
Morton RH, Fitz-Clarke JR, Banister EW 1990. Modeling human performance in running. J Appl Physiol 69: 1171-1177.
Olbrecht J, Madsen O, Mader A.,Liesen H, Hollmann W 1985. Relationship between swimming velocity and lactic concentration during contginuous and intermittent exercises. Int J Sports Med 6: 74-77.
Paffenbarger RS, Laughlin ME, Gima AS 1970. Work activity of longshoremenas related to death from coronary heart disease and stroke. N Engl J Med 282: 1109-1114.
Pescatello LS, Arena R, Riebe D, Thompson PD (eds) 2014. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th edition, Baltimor, Lippincott, Williams & Wiklins.
Pollock ML 1973. The quantification of endurance training programs. In: Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews (J Wilmore, ed), Academic Press, New York.
Rodriguez-Marroyo J, Foster C 2013. Relationship between the Talk Test and ventilatory thresholds in well-trained cyclists. J Strength Cond Res 27: 1942-1949.
Saltin B, Astrand PO 1967. Maximal oxygen uptake in athletes. J Appl Physiol 23: 353-358.
Saltin B, Blomqvist G, Mitchell JH, Johnson RL, Wildenthal K, Chapman CB 1968. Response to exercise after bed rest and after training. Circulation 37: Suppl VIII
Sallis RE 2009. Exercise is medicine and physicians need to prescribe it. Br J Sports Med 43: 3-4.
Sennett SM, Pollock ML, Pels AE, Foster C, Dolatowski R, Patel S 1987. Medical problems of cardiac patients in an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 7: 458-465.
Shephard RJ, Allen C, Benade AJS, Davies CTM, de Prampero PE, Hedman R, Merriman JE, Myhre K, Simmons R 1968. The maximum oxygen intake: An international reference standard of cardiorespiratory fitness. Bull WHO 38: 757-764.
Silvidi GE, Squires RW, Pollock ML, Foster C 1982. Hdmodynamic responses and medical problems associated with early exercise and ambulation in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 2: 355-362.
Sjodin B, Jacobs I, Karlsson J 1982. Onset of blood lactate accumulation and muscle enzymes after training at OBLA. Eur J Appl Physiol 49: 45-57.
St Clair Gibson A, de Koning J, Thompson KG, Roberts WO, Micklewright D, Raglin J, Foster C 2013. Crawling to the finish line-why do endurance runners collapse? Implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying fatigue and pacing. Sports Med 43: 413-424.
St Clair Gibson A, Foster C 2007. The role of self talk in the awareness of physiological state and physical performance. Sports Med 37: 1029-1044.
St Clair Gibson A, Lambert EV, Rauch LHG, Tucker R, Baden DA, Foster C, Noakes TD 2006. The role of information processing between brain and peripheral physiological systems in pacing and perception of effort. Sports Med 36: 705-722.
Stegmann H, Kinderman W, Schnabel A 1981. Lactate kinetics and individual anaerobic threshold. Int J Sports Med 2: 160-165.
Svedenhag J, Sjodin B 1985. Physiological characteristics of elite male runners in and off season. Can J Appl Sport Sci 10: 127-133.
Sweet TW, Foster C, McGuigan MR, Brice G 2004. Quantitation of resistance training using the session RPE method. J Strength Cond Res 18: 796-802.
Van der Zwaard S, Rougoor G, van Kasteel PY, Greany J, de Koning JJ, Hill E, Porcari JP, Allen BK, Foster C 2015. Graded exercise testing vs simulated competition exercise in trained older males. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 35: 423-430, 2015.
Wasserman K, McIlroy MB 1964. Detecting the threshold of anaerobic metabolism in cardiac patients during exercise. Am J Cardiol 14: S44-S52.
Woltmann ML, Foster C, Porcari JP, Camic CL, Dodge C, Haible S, Mikat RP 2015. Evidence that the Tallk Test can be used to regulate exercise intensity. J Strength Cond Res 29: 1248-1254.
Como Citar
FOSTER, Carl. Applied Exercise Physiology: a serendipitous personal journey toward a place that didn’t exist when the journey started. Fronteira: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 172–187, 2016. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2016v5i3.p172-187. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 fev. 2025.
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