E. Ostrom’s SES Framework to Understand the Factors of Successful and Unsuccessful Situation in the SES: A meta-analysis of community forests in Mexico
Os sistemas sócio-ecológicos são intrinsecamente complexos e a sua destruição é geralmente atribuída a uma compreensão limitada dos processos que levam à sua melhoria ou deterioração. Em um esforço para responder a esse problema, E. Ostrom e colegas associados com o Workshop em Teoria Política e Análise de Políticas da Universidade de Indiana desenvolveram uma estrutura de Sistema Sócio-Ecológico (SES). Entretanto, mesmo se a importância da estrutura SES para melhorar a sustentabilidade de sistemas sociais e ecológicos complexos for altamente aceita, a implicação no entendimento das funcionalidades do SESs que pode levar a situações bem-sucedidas ou mal sucedidas ainda é uma lacuna. Neste artigo, referindo-se ao contexto de decomposibilidade de sistemas complexos e utilizando a teoria de estrutura SES de E. Ostrom e uma meta-análise de 31 estudos de caso de florestas comunitárias no México, a importância de usar essa estrutura no intuito de explicar as interações e configurações variáveis para alcançar resultados desejados do sistema será explicada.Referências
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McGinnis MD, Ostrom E 2014. Social-ecological system framework: initial changes and continuing challenges. Ecology and Society 19(2): 06387-190230.
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Ostrom E, Janseen MA, Poteete AR 2012. Trabajar juntos: Acción Colectiva, Bienes Communes y Múltiples Metodos en la Practica. Primera edicion en español. Fondo de Cultura Economica: D.F, Mexico:.
Poteete AR, Janssen MA, Ostrom E 2012. Trabajar Juntos. Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: México
Redman CL, Grove JM, Kuby LH 2004. Integrating social science into the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: Social dimensions of ecological change and ecological dimensions of social change. SCOPUS 7(2): 161-171.
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Thiel A, Adamseged ME, Baake C 2015. Evaluating an instrument for institutional crafting: How Ostrom’s social–ecological systems framework is applied. Environmental Science & Policy, 53: 152-164.
VanWey LK, Ostrom E, Meretsky V 2005. Theories Underlying the Study of Human-Environment Interactions. In EF Moran, E Ostrom (Eds.) Seeing the Forest and the Trees Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems. The MIT Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London): England. p. 38-71.
Anderies JM, Janssen MA, Ostrom E 2004. A Framework to Analyze the Robustness of Social-ecological Systems from an Institutional Perspective. Ecology and Society 9(1): 18. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art18/.
Anderies JM, Janssen MA, Ostrom E 2004. A Framework to Analyze the Robustness of Social-ecological Systems from an Institutional Perspective. Ecology and Society 9(1): 1-18.
Bray D, Duran E, Molina-Gonzalez OA 2012. Beyond harvests in the commons: multi-scale governance and turbulence in indigenous/community conserved areas in Oaxaca, Mexico. International Journal of the Commons 2012: 151–178.
Cox M 2013. The SESMAD project. [revised on 14.03.2016]. Available from: http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/.
Cumming GS 2011. Spatial Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems. Springer Science+Business Media: New York.
Harrison F 2011. Getting started with meta-analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 1-10.
Hill R, et al 2015. A social–ecological systems analysis of impediments to delivery of the Aichi 2020 Targets and potentially more effective pathways to the conservation of biodiversity. Global Environmental Change, 34: 22-34. Available from: www.elsevier.com/locate/gloenvcha.
McGinnis MD, Ostrom E 2014. Social-ecological system framework: initial changes and continuing challenges. Ecology and Society 19(2): 06387-190230.
Merino L 2007. Conservación Comunitaria en la Cuenca Alta del Papaloapan, Sierra Norte de Oaxaca. NuevaAntrop, 2007: 37.
Ostrom E 2007. A Diagnostic Approach for Going Beyond Panaceas. Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Indiana University: USA.
Ostrom E 2009. A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems. Science 325: 419-422.
Ostrom E 2011. Background on the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework. The Policy Studies Journal 39(1):.
Ostrom E, Cox M 2010. Moving beyond panaceas: a multi-tiered diagnostic approach for social-ecological analysis. Environmental Conservation 37(4): 451-463.
Ostrom E, Janseen MA, Poteete AR 2012. Trabajar juntos: Acción Colectiva, Bienes Communes y Múltiples Metodos en la Practica. Primera edicion en español. Fondo de Cultura Economica: D.F, Mexico:.
Poteete AR, Janssen MA, Ostrom E 2012. Trabajar Juntos. Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: México
Redman CL, Grove JM, Kuby LH 2004. Integrating social science into the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: Social dimensions of ecological change and ecological dimensions of social change. SCOPUS 7(2): 161-171.
Rommel J 2015. What can economic experiments tell us about institutional change in social–ecological systems?. Environmental Science & Policy, 53: 96-104. Available from: http://www.sciencedirect.com.
SESMAD 2014. Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Background and Research Methods. [accessed 2014;2015;2016]. Available from: http://sesmad.dartmouth.edu.
Thiel A, Adamseged ME, Baake C 2015. Evaluating an instrument for institutional crafting: How Ostrom’s social–ecological systems framework is applied. Environmental Science & Policy, 53: 152-164.
VanWey LK, Ostrom E, Meretsky V 2005. Theories Underlying the Study of Human-Environment Interactions. In EF Moran, E Ostrom (Eds.) Seeing the Forest and the Trees Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems. The MIT Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London): England. p. 38-71.
Como Citar
RIVERO, Arturo Lara; HAKIZIMANA, Eugene. E. Ostrom’s SES Framework to Understand the Factors of Successful and Unsuccessful Situation in the SES: A meta-analysis of community forests in Mexico. Fronteira: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 103–117, 2016. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2016v5i2.p103-117. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unievangelica.edu.br/index.php/fronteiras/article/view/2033. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.
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