Root canal preparation with Prodesign Logic in modified endodontic access of mandibular premolars with abfraction




The manufacture of instruments with controlled memory alloy (CM-controlled memory) for the preparation of the root canal allowed the simplification of the operative technique and more conservative accesses and preparations with removal of a smaller amount of healthy tooth structure. The aim of this study was to describe a case report in which endodontic access and preparation were performed using a modified technique from abfraction lesions present in the mandibular premolars to preserve the remaining coronary structure. A 48-year-old male patient with periapical abscess without a fistula in progress sought emergency care in a private office complaining of severe pain in tooth 34. This tooth and the other mandibular premolars were indicated for endodontic and subsequent treatment. restoration with composite resin, as they presented characteristics of a tooth wear process with exposure of the pulp cavity in the cervical region of the vestibular surface compatible with abfraction lesions. The endodontic access cavity was performed from the region affected by the abfraction. The instruments used in the preparation of the root canal were controlled memory files Prodesign Logic activated in continuous rotation in an endodontic engine. After 2 years of follow-up, it could be seen that the proposed treatment showed signs of clinical and radiographic success, preserving healthy tooth structure, and impacting tooth longevity.


Keywords: tooth wear, endodontics, root canal preparation, conservative treatment


Author Biographies

Renata Araújo Silva, UniFASAM

Acadêmica de Odontologia

Isamara Rocha de Carvalho Petineli, UniFASAM

Acadêmica de Odontologia

Thabata Frederico Izelli, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Mestre em Odontologia, Especialista em Endodontia

Regis Augusto Aleixo Alves, UniFASAM

Mestre em Odontologia, Especialista em Endodontia, Professor do Centro Universitário UniFASAM

