The aim of this article is to report a clinical case of Granular Cell Tumor (GCT), showing its clinical aspect and discuss the hypotheses of diagnosis and conduct performed in the treatment. Case Report: Female patient, 40 years old, normossystemic, black race, presented complaining of a “tongue lump†with an evolution of approximately 8 months. On intraoral physical examination, a nodular lesion located on the right dorsum of the tongue was observed, whitish in color, firm to palpation and without painful symptoms, measuring 10 x 10 mm in diameter. Due to the location of the lesion itself, any hypothesis of regional trauma was ruled, and the Granular Cell Tumor was considered as a diagnostic hypothesis. The recommended treatment was surgical excision. Final Considerations: For this case, surgical treatment was recommended, in which there was total removal of the lesion. If completely enucleated, relapses are rare, and the prognosis is favorable.
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