A comprehensive and illustrative approach to chronic apical periodontitis.
The periapical lesions (PL) are one of the most frequent pathologies of alveolar bone, where the chronic apical periodontitis (CAP) is very recurrent in dental practice. The most common clinical manifestations are the periapical granuloma and radicular cyst. Because of its clinical relevance, it is extremely important to understand how the pathological development occurrs to obtain a better clinical understanding. Aiming to address the clinical appearance, histopathological, radiographic aspects, in addition to the differential diagnosis and possible methods for treatment in an explanatory and qualitative way, without practical involvement, but for practical use. Through this literature review, with bibliographic complementation from books and publications available on the main scientific platforms for research, it was found that performing the clinical management of PL is directly proportional to the knowledge of these conditions and their therapeutic possibilities.Downloads
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