



Meat is a nutrient-rich food, having as its main proteins that are essential for the healthy human organism. Brazil is the second largest producer of beef in the world, producing 9.71 million tons in 2021. Ground meat, due to being a food that is manipulated and has a larger contact surface, the risks of contamination increase significantly. The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical-chemical (moisture, ash, pH and fat) and microbiological (total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms, Staphylococcus sp. and Salmonella spp.) of ground meat commercialized in supermarkets in the city of Ceres-GO. 400 g of ground chuck were purchased in five supermarkets in the city of Ceres-GO in September and October/2019. The samples were named A, B, C, D, E, were kept in thermal box, taken to the microbiology laboratory and the instrumental laboratory of IF Goiano Ceres where the analyses were performed. All samples showed contamination with total coliforms with mean values between 24.3 and 565 MPN/g and thermotolerant coliforms with mean values between 38 and 560 MPN/g. In both evaluations, all samples presented contamination with Staphylococcus sp. with mean values 6.6x105 and 4.0x103 CFU/g at 10-4 dilution, respectively. All samples showed growth of colonies characteristic of Salmonella spp. Regarding the physicochemical analyses, the mean values of 72.70% for moisture, 1.06% for ash, 5.67% for pH and 5.20% for fat were found. The legislation establishes limits of 104 MPN/g for coliform count at 45°C, and all samples met current legislation. In relation to Staphylococcus sp. legislation establishes limits of 5000 CFU/g, only sample C was met the established standard. The results of Salmonella spp analyses were indicative of the presence of colonies characteristic of these microorganisms, but the current legislation does not allow the presence of Salmonella spp in meat products. Regarding the physical-chemical results, all samples were within the required parameters. In view of this, it is clear the need for greater supervision of supermarkets that sell ground meat.

Author Biographies


Graduated in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), Master's degree in Food Science and Technology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2000) and PhD in Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (Esalq) from the University of São Paulo (2008). He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal Institute Goiano Campus Ceres, since 1995. Professor and advisor at Graduate Program Lato sensu in Production and Use of Animal Feed for Zootechnical Interest. Has experience in Food Science and Technology, focusing on Food Science and Technology, acting on the following subjects: functional foods, sensory analysis, antioxidants, waste utilization and resistant starch.

Luciano José Pereira, Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Ceres

Formação profissional: Técnica em Agropecuária do IF Goiano e Estudante no curso de Bacharelado em Zootecnia.

Vínculo profissional: Estudante do Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Ceres.

Telefone: (62) 999628552.

Tainara Rezende Biângulo, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6612-6202

Formação profissional: Técnica em Agropecuária do IF Goiano e Estudante no curso de Bacharelado em Zootecnia.

Vínculo profissional: Estudante do Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Ceres.

Telefone: (62) 98508-0357



How to Cite

SANTOS, M. R. L., Pereira, L. J., & Biângulo, T. R. (2023). QUALITY CONTROL OF GROUND BEEF COMMERCIALIZED IN CERES-GO, BRAZIL. Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal, 10(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37951/2358-260X.2023v10i2.6793