

  • Raniery Augusto dos Santos Beserra Nogueira FACENE/RN
  • Rodrigo José Fernandes de Barros Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró
  • Jamile Rodrigues Cosme de Holanda Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró
  • Débora Benício de Melo Monteiro Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN
  • Luma Ellen Freitas Morais Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN
  • Julian de Assis Almeida • Faculdade de Medicina Nova Esperança - FAMENE
  • Antônio de Araújo Tavares Netto Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN
  • João Victor de Oliveira Tavares Saraiva Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN



With the increase in the transmission of smallpox and yellow fever, the population of Rio de Janeiro was affected with a vast number of deaths and a large proportion of contagion by these diseases was seen. Along with the spread of these diseases in Rio de Janeiro, there was the destruction of the shacks and tenements in the center and the displacement of the poor community, adding to the tensions caused by the displacement, it should also be mentioned the implementation of the Mandatory Vaccination Law, and the population began to react, causing the vaccine revolt. this work seeks to carry out a literature review on the vaccine revolt and its impacts on the population in the 21st century. To this end, a search was carried out in capes journals, using the indexers “vaccine revoltâ€, “reflectionsâ€, “impacts†and “revolts†in an associated way using the Boolean operator “ANDâ€. As for the filters used, the file was available in full online and written in Portuguese. One of the main plans of Rodrigues Alves, then president of the Republic, was to attack the demons that plagued the entire capital, namely yellow fever, smallpox, etc. The modernization of the port and the reconstruction of the city were part of the project. Alves had the great responsibility of keeping the city clean and preventing many infectious diseases. Pereira Passos and doctor Osvaldo Cruz were appointed to carry out the joint implementation of this health reform. Around 1903, several campaign plans led by Oswaldo Cruz were presented to the Public Ministry to combat the vector of yellow fever. The public health service should prevent the contamination of mosquitoes by the yellow fever infectious disease, the infection of infected mosquitoes and the continuation of sporadic cases to ensure that the disease does not continue during the epidemic. In the case of smallpox, it is enough to vaccinate the entire population to control the disease.


Keywords: Health prevention; Primary health care; Vaccination.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo José Fernandes de Barros, Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró

Soci´ólogo pela UERN, mestre em Ciências Sociais pela UFRN e docente nas Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró.

Jamile Rodrigues Cosme de Holanda, Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró

Graduada em Enfermagem e Mestre em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições pela UFERSA.

Débora Benício de Melo Monteiro, Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN

Graduanda do curso de Medicina nas Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN.

Luma Ellen Freitas Morais, Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN

Graduanda do curso de Medicina nas Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN.

Julian de Assis Almeida, • Faculdade de Medicina Nova Esperança - FAMENE

Graduando do curso de Medicina nas Faculdades de Medicina Nova Esperança - FAMENE/PB

Antônio de Araújo Tavares Netto, Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN

Graduando do curso de Medicina nas Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN.

João Victor de Oliveira Tavares Saraiva, Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN

Graduando do curso de Medicina nas Faculdades Nova Esperança de Mossoró - RN.



How to Cite

dos Santos Beserra Nogueira, R. A., Barros, R. J. F. de, Holanda, J. R. C. de, Monteiro, D. B. de M., Morais, L. E. F., Almeida, J. de A., … Saraiva, J. V. de O. T. (2021). THE VACCINE REVOLT AND ITS IMPACTS: . Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal, 8(2), 1–10.