Evaluation of the development of lettuce and rucula seedlings treated with algae extract biofertilizer
In view of the expansion of the use of alternative products such as biofertilizers in Brazil, the present work has as main objective to verify the effects of biofertilizer based on seaweed extract on the development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and arugula (Eruca seedlings) sativa M.). The experiment was carried out in the premises of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UEMS, Aquidauana Unit / MS from August to December 2019. The biofertilizer is composed of extract from different species of algae, taken from the collection tanks for the disposal of organic waste from lame sheep and pigs from the experimental area of ​​zootechnics. The biofertilizer was prepared, with homogenization and dilution in water, making two concentrations, 0.25 (25%) and 0.50 (50%), being applied to the plants at intervals of 15 in 15 days. The experiment design was 3 treatments 0%, 25% and 50% with 12 repetitions per plot. Among the evaluative parameters, the following stand out: length of the root, height of the plant, number of leaves, leaf area and fresh weight. Among the results obtained, the treatment with the concentration of 50% of the biofertilizer extract stands out as the best results, for root length, plant height, leaf area and fresh weight, when compared to the control treatment.
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