Physical, chemical and biological soil quality and remote sensing in degraded pasture recovery through integrated systems


  • Leonnardo Cruvinel Furquim Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde
  • Daniel Noe Coaguila Nuñez Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde
  • José Mateus Kondo Santini Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde
  • Juliana Silva Rodrigues Cabral IfGoiano - Campus Rio Verde
  • Epitácio José de Souza Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde
  • Antônio Heriberto de Castro Teixeira
  • Gustavo Bayma-Silva Embrapa
  • Paulo Eustáquio Resende Nascimento IesRiver
  • Luís Fernando Stone Embrapa
  • Edson Luiz Souchie IfGoiano - Campus Rio Verde
  • Marussa Cássia Favaro Boldrin Laboratório Solo Forte, Rio Verde - GO



Brazilian livestock production, based on extractivism and low sustainability, causes limited production, economic viability and soil degradation. Integrated systems are alternatives in the viable, sustainable and applied to the reality of the producers. The objective of the present work was to measure the physical, biological and chemical quality of the soil and to perform evaluation of biophysical parameters by remote sensing. The experiment was conducted in Rio Verde - Goiás, Brazil, with seven treatments: degraded pasture, degraded pasture with fertilization, conventional pasture reform, integration of crop-forest (with fruit trees and olive groves), livestock-forest integration with grazing, crop-livestock-forest integration with hay production and crop-livestock-forest integration with silage production with forage sorghum consortium with pasture. The parameters soil density, total porosity, macropores, S index and soil aeration capacity did not differ statistically. The degraded pastures presented higher microporosity in relation to the other treatments. The indexes indicate higher retention of water in the degraded pasture by the greater amount of micropores due to the compaction processes. All treatments were below the critical limit of S of 0.045, which values below this indicates degradation of soil structure. It was observed a higher population density of fungi and bacteria, besides spores of mycorrhizal fungi in soils of the treatments without revolving of the soil. Results regarding soil fertility were responsive only in the treatments where liming was performed. The remote sensing data were accurate in determining the current biomass and evapotranspiration in the treatments.

Author Biographies

Leonnardo Cruvinel Furquim, Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde

Engenheiro-agrônomo, doutorando em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás e professor do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Daniel Noe Coaguila Nuñez, Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde

Biólogo, doutor em Agronomia, professor do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

José Mateus Kondo Santini, Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde

Engenheiro-agrônomo (a), doutor(a) em Agronomia, professor(a) do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Juliana Silva Rodrigues Cabral, IfGoiano - Campus Rio Verde

Engenheiro-agrônomo (a), doutor(a) em Agronomia, professor(a) do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Epitácio José de Souza, Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde

Engenheiro-agrônomo (a), doutor(a) em Agronomia, professor(a) do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO

Antônio Heriberto de Castro Teixeira

Agrônomo, doutor em Ciências Ambientais, pesquisador da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, Aracaju, SE.

Gustavo Bayma-Silva, Embrapa

Geógrafo, mestre em Sensoriamento Remoto, analista da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, Jaguariúna, SP.

Paulo Eustáquio Resende Nascimento, IesRiver

Engenheiro-agrícola, mestre em Engenharia Mecânica. Professor do Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Luís Fernando Stone, Embrapa

Engenheiro-agrônomo, doutor em Agronomia, pesquisador da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antônio, GO.

Edson Luiz Souchie, IfGoiano - Campus Rio Verde

Engenheiro Agrônomo, doutor em Agronomia, professor do Instituto Federal Goiano –  Câmpus Rio Verde, Rio Verde – GO.

Marussa Cássia Favaro Boldrin, Laboratório Solo Forte, Rio Verde - GO

Engenheira Agrônoma, mestre em Ciências Agrárias. Laboratório Solo Forte, Rio Verde - GO



How to Cite

Furquim, L. C., Nuñez, D. N. C., Santini, J. M. K., Cabral, J. S. R., Souza, E. J. de, Teixeira, A. H. de C., … Boldrin, M. C. F. (2018). Physical, chemical and biological soil quality and remote sensing in degraded pasture recovery through integrated systems. Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(3), 145–160.



Congresso Interinstitucional de Ciência do Solo